Overall I am extremely impressed by the quality of this Samsung

  •    The experience of the Samsung Motrola G is not much different from my Nexus 4. Apps seem to open fast enough for me. There's no problems that I have encountered. I was concerned that the larger screen would be too big, but in operation it doesn't seem that much larger. The icons are certainly bigger and due to the pixel density they are not quite as crisp, but the differences are fairly negligible.
       Having the micro SD card slot is a very welcome feature. I had a 16GB card from another old phone that I put in this one. My music is all stored there and many of the apps installed there as well. When the phone itself only has 8GB of space this is really a necessity.
       One of the nice things about the Andoid environment is that all I needed to do was log in to my Google account and the Samsung Motrola G automatically started downloading my apps with no intervention from me. That made setting the phone up rather easy since most of my apps just installed on their own. Although I suppose that it could have been the old apps were installed on the SD card and they were just auto updating or installed from the card. I did have to manually add several so that seems likely? Since I was coming from a KitKat environment on the Nexus 4 there was no difference to operation.
       Overall I am extremely impressed by the quality of this Samsung Motrola G. For a relatively basic user like me, it is great to not have to spend several hundred dollars on flagship hardware I don't need. For $180 you get an unlocked phone that has plenty of power for most users. I mainly use it to stream internet radio at work and in the car and basic email, FB, etc. The BT audio works perfectly with my car's audio system.HDC S6