Heat and Weakness of brain is a main cause of weak eyesight

  • Heat and Weakness of brain is a main cause of weak eyesight. The morbid matter eliminating by means of Common Cold if suppressed by wrong treatment, also adversely effects the eyes. Beside this, longover and closely watching of TV.

    Continuous reading in a powerful light, digestive disorder, unbalanced eating and living habits and deficiency of vitamin A in food are also responsible for weak eyesight. In maturity, excessive worry and consumption of alcohol also produce weakness of eyes.

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    Eyesight Weakness is a ordinary difficulty of the day. Even tender aged school going children may also be seen using spectacles due to weak eyes. Heat and Weakness of brain is a main cause of weak eyesight.

    Long over and closely watching on TV. Continuous reading in a powerful light, digestive disorder, unbalanced eating and living habits and deficiency of vitamin A in food are also responsible for weak eyesight.

    Tips to Cure Weak Eyesight

    1.Put mud pack on the eyes helps to strengthen the nerves and release the pressure. Thus, strengthening the eyesight.

    2. Use cucumber water to wash your eyes. This is a natural coolant and relief the eye of all the tiredness.

    3. Eat few seeds of cardamom with one spoon of honey everyday. This improves eyesight.

    4. Increase intake of prosperous. The best source of the nutrient is found in fish.

    5. Grind coriander seen powder with the same amount of powdered sugar. Take a dose of 12 grams everyday.

    6. Soak almond seeds in mild overnight. Next morning make a paste of the almond seeds using the water in which it was soaked. Mix milk in it and apply it on your eyelid for sometime.

    7. Increase intake of Vitamin A. Rich sources of Vitamin A are carrot, pumpkin, tomatoes, spinach, oranges, eggs etc.

    8. Drink loads of fruit juice. They are rich source of Vitamin C.

    9. Weak eye sight often makes eyes watery. To treat it heat some sesame seeds with honey and take the vapour.
    Home Remedies for Eye Problems
    1.Prepare a multiple of next to proportions of aniseed powder as well as coriander seed powder. Combine it with a next to weight of direct sugar. Take it in doses of twelve grams any sunrise as good as evening. It is profitable for people with cataract.
    2. For people with diseased eyesight, receiving a multiple of juices of tender parsley as good as carrots in a glassful volume every day will yield good benefits.
    3. Combine a single partial of sugarine with 3 tools of coriander. Grind them in to a excellent powder as good as put this multiple in hot water. Keep it lonesome for a single hour. Then filter it with a purify cloth. Use a secrete as eye drops. This is an efficacious diagnosis for conjunctivitis.
    4. Immerse almonds in divert as good as keep them overnight. In a morning, mix this divert with sandalwood. Relate this upon a eyelids. This reduces redness of a eyes due to exertion.
    5. Inhaling a odors of sesame churned in sugarine revoke a extreme wateriness of a eyes.
    6. Take dual tiny pieces of cardamom. Grind them as good as disintegrate a powder in milk. Simmer a divert as good as splash it during night. This creates an eyes healthier.

1 comment
  • Michel Mariel
    Michel Mariel Seems reasonable. But brain itself is so complex and some processes can't even be explained. But still every person should know some facts about brain, like those which are described here - https://trusthealthnet.com/ .
    July 27, 2018