6 Ton Jack Stands action a fail-safe way

  • 6 Ton Jack Stands action a fail-safe way to abutment a car if its auto are off the ground, and you accept abandoned yourself to accusation if a car avalanche on top of you because you abandoned acclimated a jack to abutment it. However, even the best superior jack stands can abuse you if you use them incorrectly; therefore, we accept aggregate a abbreviate account of tips and tricks on how to use jack stands safely.

    Discard any jack angle that is damaged in any way. Any attack to adjustment a jack angle puts your activity at risk, aback you cannot restore its backbone to what it was if it was new.

    Always use stands of the aforementioned architecture on a car if you use added than one. This way you can set them to the aforementioned acme abundant added calmly than you could with disparate designs.

    Only plan on akin surfaces, and NEVER use, or accomplish extensions to extend the acme of a stand. If you cannot accomplish the acme you require, use a bigger stand.

    Never use a bang to admit or abstract a locking pin, or to absolution a ratchet apparatus on a jack stand. If you accept to use bang for this, the jack angle is either bent, broken, or damaged in some way, and it is not safe to use. Do the acute thing, and abandon it.

    If you accept to abutment a car with four stands, do NOT jack up either the foreground or aback end to the acme you crave in one go. If you do, and you abode jack stands beneath the top end, the car will be acutely asymmetric if you alpha to lift the added end. Even the best jack stands cannot affected the laws of physics, so do the acute affair and jack the car up in stages to anticipate it sliding off the jack stands.

    Do the aforementioned affair if you lower the car to the ground; lower the acme of the 3 Ton Jack Stands both in the foreground and the rear in stages, to accumulate the car as akin as accessible during the absolute jacking or blurred process.