Our Website : https://functionalremedies.com/collections/all You've seen hempseed oil in the grocery store, and while it's not the cheapest oil on the shelf … it's less expensive than the Functional Remedies CBD Hemp Oil you've seen online. So maybe you could buy that and it's just as good, right? Wrong. CBD oil and hempseed oil are two totally different products. While they both originate from the same plant – cannabis – they are as different as, say, hemp rope and marijuana. Just as you can't smoke hemp rope for its psychotropic qualities, there aren't the same benefits between the two types of oils. My Social : https://twitter.com/cbdhempoil_CO More Links : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChiLWItcaTvnQTkJ-VWnGAg http://www.pictaramview.com/pr/functionalremediesco https://www.tintup.com/t/functionalremedies