Our Site : https://beautifulbeginningsibogaine.org/ Our ibogaine treatment centers is located in a lovely gated community in Rosarito, Mexico, a short drive from San Diego, California. We strive to assure that our patients have the most comfortable Ibogaine Treatment experience possible. Even with the high success rate of Ibogaine treatment, there is still little hope in most countries for legal status. There are currently no major US based studies into exactly how Ibogaine works in the brain, and, without proper testing, the idea of an America with legal Ibogaine treatment remains unrealistic. My Social: https://twitter.com/ibogainetrip More Info: https://ibogatreatment.deviantart.com/art/ibogaine-trip-702074126 https://infogram.com/ibogaine-treatment-centers-1ge9m8dv8wl62y6 https://infogram.com/ibogaine-clinics-1g4qpzlyrvel21y