Our Site:http://decisiveminds.com/ With so many small business consulting opportunities in many different areas, pricing is very important. A consultant needs to know how to set an hourly rate if their services are used by the hour. If a company uses them on a day to day basis, then the consultant needs to know how the prices for daily rates. Some companies will need a consultant to help with projects. social media for business social media marketing Lake Charles Lake Charles usually makes a substantial amount of money and pricing is the key element into turning those small business consulting opportunities into a success. My Profile: http://irakyat.my/profile/blogmarketinglakecharles More Info: https://businessconsultant.deviantart.com/art/blog-marketing-Lake-Charles-705246858 https://businessconsultant.deviantart.com/art/business-consultant-Lake-Charles-705246860