The past ten years of World of Warcraft: part3

  • The past ten years of World of Warcraft: part3



    World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor (2014)

    World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor may be the worst update in the history of Warcraft. It has witnessed the players returning to the past and helping generations of former orcs.


    The warlord's upgrade experience is solid, but at level 100, players find themselves having nothing to do. It can be said that before the players reach level 100, the players have a lot of upgrade tasks to wait for them to complete. But once the level reaches level 100, there are not many tasks that can be done. So after level 100 the players started to get idle. The progress of the game update has become very slow, and the players in the guards have begun to leave this version of the game, and do not want to feel empty again in the game.



    Players can complete many daily activities at their own base to get the Buy WOW Classic Gold. Why are they leaving? Because Draeren is the dead zone of World of Warcraft. For a few years, this game has nothing to do and has less gold.



    The events in "The Warlords" will be one of the best extensions in World of Warcraft history. But players have to swallow a bitter pill first.



    The Warcraft movie (2016)


    Of course, this movie doesn't look so good either.


    It built a World of Warcraft movie, where we can see Baby Sal grows into a tribal chief.

    But before the movie "Warcraft" began, a series of many elements were doomed to its failure.


    The success of Warcraft is that it captures the look of the world.

    The storm wind, the Dark Portal, and the orcs themselves look the same as the players see in the game.

    Although the American audience quickly forgot this, the film has achieved great success overseas and helped to set off a new wave of American movies in China. Players now click on to buy the cheapest World of Warcraft gold for up to 8%.