Dire Maul's Several Gold Planting Methods 2

  • Dire Maul's Several Gold Planting Methods 2



    Hound Runs

    WOW Classic Gold

    For most characters, hounds are not a viable method. But for those who can serve as priests, this is a very good farm, so for this expedition, Dire Maul north will be our destination. After arriving in a yard here, you will find all here There are a lot of ogre bags and hounds walking around. Maybe the hyenas are perfect for fighting here. So for this coyote, it's more interesting than hordes of Lashes.


    You need to focus on your movements. We have a small ledge that is aligned along the entire wall and connected to all the ledges. You will see here a ramp leading to the top entrance. Our idea is to pull a group of hounds wandering around and let them climb up the rock frame, so the dogs will basically run around the rock frame, Then start moving the entire wall in your direction.

    At this point, you can start aiming at all of them. If you are a hunter, the first task is to hit them, fire multiple shots and cast snake attack weapons, and attack them within a certain range. Once they are attacking you, jump down immediately. Along the opposite path they walked, you can return to the slope and jump back to the windowsill.


    Jump Runs

    Usually, they are not done as a separate farm. It is ideally done by a group of two or three people. So you can evenly distribute your profits, and it's better to do it like planting alone. In the lower dungeon, you can use all the specific bosses of the vendor blue and pre-strike items if necessary, so you will jump there and follow the wall along the road, put it into the Hydra spawning room, and be careful to fight back if necessary , Instead of growing extra mobs, but you can quickly kill them, and then you will start running along the way. Go back to the yard and talk to this big tree, he will open the last boss's room, then you jump on this pillar and then execute the last boss in the dungeon.



    Now, if you want to make this farm better, it is really useful for this particular farm to be near the maximum harvest or the amount of herbs, because there are ghost mushrooms on your way and you can sell a lot Gold, The finally boss In his room, you have an escape route to the dungeon. If you feel incompetent for all the tasks above, WOW Classic Boosting will make you the best choice. It can help you complete various difficult levels and save your precious time.