Player's Old School Runescape offline gold coin dream

  • Every Old School Runescape player dreams of getting as much gold as possible one day: $ 2.147 billion, the "maximum cash" in the fable. As early as July 2018, for many players, the dream came true: countless OSRS players obtained the largest cash stack from sources that usually generate thousands of RS Gold. As a result, about 20 minutes after the update went life, developer Jagex completely shut down the game and temporarily disabled all servers until they found a golden copy error.

    Ironically, the update that caused the error (that is, the "game integrity" update for everything) is a change to the thieves' skills aimed at fighting robots and gold diggers. As YouTuber OakDice pointed out, some lines crossed, and this update resulted in instantiation events that stored or generated gold to generate billions of dollars.

    The game's first rollback is scheduled to take place in the next few hours to correct this situation. To restore it to the time before updating Old School RuneScape. We have not been able to estimate the amount of gold generated during the bug's lifetime, but when the rollback is completed later in the day, the imbalance should be completely resolved.

    Every player dreams of getting very, very many gold coins, but encounters very few bugs in the game. Therefore, most players still choose to Buy RS3 Gold from, because this is a gold coin trading website that professionally serves RS gamers. The price is moderately lower than the market price, and there are free sweepstakes.