World of Warcraft Legends 2

  • Four: Jaina Proudmoore
    No one is new to Jaina Proudmoore. She is the youngest daughter of King Dilane Proudmoore of Kul Tiras, and has followed Antonidas to learn magic in Dalaran since she was a child. She played an important role in the fight against the Burning Legion, the Scourge of the Lich King Arthas, and the brutal Garrosh. In the story of the Pandaren Mystery, the Horde's former chief Garrosh launched a raid on Theramore. After using the Rainbow of Focus, Theramore was razed to the ground, and a large number of reinforcements who came to the rescue also died in Theramore, and Jaina's blond hair turned into white hair. Vanilla WOW Gold can help players exchange sophisticated weapons and equipment. Now you can enjoy 8% discount on World of Warcraft Gold at MMOWTS and ship quickly!
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    Five: Lord Darius Croore
    Before the Forsaken attacked Gilneas, the war between Lord Darius Croore and King Gene Greymane sent the entire city into a downturn. When Sylvanas and the Forsaken they led invaded, they brought the plague to this land. At this time Lord Darius Croore stepped forward and used his wisdom, slyness, and beast instinct to repel the enemies who came.

    Six: Woking
    I was once the leader of the Dark Spear Trolls on the continent of Azeroth, and was also one of the characters that had a great influence on the tribe in the history of Warcraft. He lost many things in his life, including friends, relatives and homes in Stranglethorn Vale. When his clan was threatened with his life, he decided not to play the role of good old man, but Woking's relationship with the alliance has always been good. In multiple versions of World of Warcraft, alliance players can take risks with him.

    Seven: Arthas Menethil
    Arthas is the most tragic hero in the World of Warcraft series. He was originally the prince of Lordaeron, the heroic and selfless paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand. Incompatible with the mentor and lover, under the impact of the strong vengeance, he took the cursed weapon Frostmourn-the ancient sword that can devour the soul of others; Arthas gained strength from it, but became a faith Dark death knight. Afterwards, his uncle took the throne, turning the entire kingdom of Lordaeron into a hell on earth, and finally set foot on the Frozen Throne to join the Lich King to become the new Lich King.