I've done RuneScape gold several time

  • I've done RuneScape gold several time through the years but unless you can convince a few million other people to perform or, all you're doing is dropping your existing rate to get the next jacked up price they put out. First time I quit I had been sentenced to $5.99 a month. I then rejoined and quit at $7.99. In comparison to what I am paying I wouldn't have not paid as much. However, my purpose is 1 individual can not do it.There are about 30k daily runescape gamers for rs3. Osrs, as much as I know, does not have a problem with MTX yet, and they struck 5m downloads on launch of mobile osrs. Frankly, I don't see how they do not see it.

    I am Comped, but there is still a lot more for me to perform. Bought my bonds months ago. Year maybe I'll get Trim. Or get Warden. Or make it to Rax. Or even Closing Boss. Who knows. But I am certainly going to keep playing because there's a good deal of things I want to perform, and premier club gives me a means to do this without even opening my wallet. 20 rather than 26, hell, it even saves bonds also. So the way I see it's that: Runescape is a free game that I enjoy playing, has articles I want to play, and even ends up saving me money since I am spending time playing this rather than buying something new for my own PS4. For me, the cost is absolutely worthwhile, if perhaps not the very best bang for my buck next to library books for amusement.

    Personally, I regretted last year not getting it. Played during the year on two - 4 accounts and paid full price I played with buy RS gold without premiere's extra value. The M+S, bank borrows additional great value to runescape its just a shame it took up just as much dev time as it did. I feel as a community we stress to much about what others think and feel and how they play runescape. Not saying the amount of this MTX rolling through this game is not intense but its going to take place in one way or another.