Post get the right development of Star Wars game from Disney, EA so far has only confirmed the Star Wars Battlefront only. In fact, Star Wars Battlefront already have the official release schedule, the upcoming 17 November 2015. The new Star Wars game Star Wars Battlefront is not only just, because as we know, EA also pointed Visceral Games (developers of Dead Space) to develop a new Star Wars game. The question is, will like what Star Wars game of Visceral Games this?
Many Star Wars fans who want to Visceral Games continue the Star Wars project in 1313 which halted its development since Disney closed LucasArts last year. Unfortunately, the hope embodied by Visceral canceled and said that their new Star Wars game is not the continuation of the development of Star Wars in 1313, but will still retain some elements of importance and also combine it with the feel of Uncharted!
It is delivered by Nolan North in MetroCon when the departure of Amy Hennig tells, script writer Uncharted 4 to EA. Nolan who is the voice of Nathan Drake in the game seems to have a bit of “leaks” about the new Star Wars game that is being developed by Visceral Games. “If you are a big fan of Amy Hennig and style of his story, he had moved to EA and working to develop a new Star Wars game in the style of Uncharted,” he said when met in MetroCon.
When asked further about the game, Nolan just revealed that the new game is not Star Wars 1313. “The game is different, but still in the same line,” he said. Hearing this phrase, of course we can slightly interpret that a new Star Wars game of Visceral later probably would have elements of third person shooter ala Star Wars 1313 (as it had appeared in its gameplay trailer), which combined with the exploration element of Uncharted.
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