Once we have a little peek brother "upscale" it, now is the time we look closer economic chipset that will use the latest processors from Intel that Sandy Bridge. At first glance this motherboard sightings have been seen before. Now is the time we are more complete in full view MSI motherboard that uses the latest Intel H67 chipset is.
Looks like one of the main features of the Sandy Bridge motherboard is MSI Military Class II. Are Military Class II?
Explanations for Military Class II can be found the back of the motherboard package. As expected, this feature is the successor to the Military Class I, which is an initiative of the MSI to use high-quality components to improve the stability and quality.
Glimpse other features of this motherboard is also emblazoned on the back. Features the most attention is ClickBIOS, namely the addition of Graphic User Interface (GUI) in the BIOS.
Equipment supplied motherboard looks standard for an economical chipset motherboard.
This is the MSI motherboard that carries the H67 chipset. Of course, still the pride of MSI color scheme is blue-black.
SATA connections are offered six pieces, two of which are SATA 6Gbps (white) and the remaining SATA 3Gbps.
Unlike many people suspected, Sandy Bridge is still not natively support USB 3.0. This task is left to a USB3 NEC chip
H67 chipset itself is cooled by a heatsink. Obviously decorated with the MSI logo.
That glimpse of "sightings" of the latest motherboard MSI H67MA-E45. Stay tuned for the full article this motherboard to see how the performance of economical chipset for Intel's latest processor.
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