Okay not certain if I am going OSRS gold

  • Okay not certain if I am going OSRS gold against the grain here but. I'm all for this death mechanic shift in the sense of personally I would have enjoyed the original death timer since they took it off. With the link issues it is not sensible to have some thing like that, I know but I enjoy the idea of a genuine risk involved. Outside the bosses that demand items to be reclaimed by a gp cost, places like godwars have danger attempting it to get back and retrieve their items.

    The idea that a death really means something and puts that little pressure on really makes the content look more enjoyable. I lost more money than I care to admit learning bandos back and yes it was a little disheartening but it was fun at precisely the same time to reconstruct and give it a go when I was more clued in.

    RS3 player here who performed with a bit being used to the RS3 system I thought it wouldnt be so bad for OSRS to have a system corrected for RuneScape game, until I read the suggested changes. Really? Does that sound like a fantastic idea to anyone? When there's a poll live let me know I'll help vote to you my brothers.

    Gold sinks are a positive thing imo. Also pvm at this time is risk and deaths are meaningless. But no risk is far better than the usual nerve wracking run back to your own items. I like your idea of chests at places that are spawn. Charge from is there any safe sites to buy runescape money 0-300k depending on gear in the torso since they are and keep untradables. This would be much better imo. Also, ToB should remain as it's currently.What in case you fucking die? Like showing up without a hammer to the doorway and dying at bandos and needing to run back. I understand that does not take 15min to do but forgetting.