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  • For items like black bows and ballista's that are already pretty cheap yet strong, make it so that we have to sacrifice a lot of them, for example 5, to buy runescape mobile gold get a little bigger version of it.

    Pvm weapons are currently maintaining their value because most the pvms, maybe not pvp. I'm convinced there's more but that is exactly what I can name off the top of my head. Do not tell me I'm wrong lol. There is a reason, As I said. Maul doesn't have any use in PvM besides Tekton.

    Well... To make a comparison, a great deal of people in various games farm for gold or farm to get something anyway, and if this plantation require more than a while it will become tedious. However, sometimes the aim make it amusing because you're focused on the wish to rs accounts for sale achieve. The amount of farm which someone can"carry" without problem depends upon the single individual and obviously on how many distinct things irl has to do (job/family/hobbies/irl friends and so on).

    So, long story short: those dudes have to be very very focused, with the suggested stuff, but tbh the amount of time needed for a number of those accomplishments is so high that I doubt that even they found that funny at some point.