Elevators based on your requirements

  • Well known Goods Elevator offering advanced models of residential elevators in the US include Thyssenkrupp Access, Savaria Concord and Federal Elevator. The right model of such elevators based on your requirements can be purchased from reliable dealers. These dealers can provide simple installation and excellent maintenance support which helps to keep the elevator in an excellent condition for several years.

    That is the sweetest elevator music ever! Okay so we're not going to talk about elevator music. We're going to talk about your elevator speech.

    What is an Elevator Speech?

    An elevator speech is your quick, concise answer to "What you do?" When asked in an "elevator" or any other "icebreaker" or networking type of situation.

    It is very important to have an effective elevator speech. It allows you clarity and what benefits you can provide to your customers and it will also allow the prospect that you're talking too a clear understanding of exactly what you can do and how you can help them.

    When you deliver your elevator speech you want the other person to say, "Wow, I'd like to do business with you cowboy!"

    I understand you may not be a cowboy and that's okay, this will still work for you.

    What Are the Keys to a Strong Elevator Speech

    Let's look at the keys to developing a strong elevator speech:

    - you must determine your niche market.

    - what problems does your niche market have that you can solve

    - what benefits can you provide.

    - what's unique about you. What's your USP?

    - it must answer, "So what?". It must have a benefit approach and not be a simple generic statement.

    For example if I am at a networking event and someone asked me, "Well Drew what you do?" If I answer that question with the generic statement like, "I conduct training for companies." You can quickly imagine the response. Or more importantly the lack of response as they'd turn and walk away because they're not interested in me FUJI Elevator.