Just what to say can be debated. Whatever you say needs to sound Goods Elevator, roll off your tongue without sounding like a tongue twister, be informative and leave the person wanting to know more. Look the person in the eyes. Show confidence but not arrogance.. Smile. What you say should be sincere and memorable. Open the window of your personality. Take advantage of the face to face opportunity because that is one of your most effective methods of promoting your business. Not a straight sales pitch but enough to keep them interested in you and wanting to continue to interface with you.
Elevator speech -- Why is it called that? Even in a tall building, the time you have to converse with someone else on the elevator is short. It's that time frame, usually about 30 seconds that give this interaction the name elevator speech. It is that brief moment in time that you have someone's full attention and they are listening to you. Since you want to continue the conversation past the 30 seconds, consider asking a question at the end.
To be brief, concise and effective is not easy. Experts suggest you prepare a speech by writing down what you want to say. Take any acronyms, business jargon or unnecessary words out. You don't want to confuse or bore people with things they won't understand. When you have the short speech you want to use, look yourself in the mirror and practice. Work at it until you have something that feels natural and you will remember to use when given the opportunity. Experts disagree on whether you should memorize your speech. Even if you are a natural at talking to people, rehearsing and having a really great elevator speech is advisable if you want this to be a business opportunity Take the time to do some research. Look at what the experts advise and at examples of what other people have used successfully.
A great networking company, Fortune Hi Tech Marketing gives people the chance to own a business with a small investment. In the FHTM world these people are referred to as Fortune Representatives by the founder, Paul Orberson as he opens his weekly calls. There are so many facets to the FHTM business that give you many choices on what to use in your elevator speech. If you ask ten of the top earners of FHTM 'What do you do' you will get a different answer from each one. While each elevator speech sounds different, I'm certain that all will leave you wanting to learn more.
Just to find out what FHTM reps are saying, I am using an informal contest for market research. My website, TeamBuildingSupport, has a page devoted to those elevator speeches. You can tell by reading them (posted at the end of the contest) that there are many approaches that can be taken. FHTM reps, review these elevator speeches, learn the business, take all the training available and then develop your own 30 second elevator speech. As a FHTM rep, what will you say the next time someone asks you, "What do you do?".
Visit Team Building Support for additional free FHTM Tips & Training and check out their Custom FHTM Website . service. Karen Stearns is a true leader and wants to help FHTM reps succeed with their Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing business. Join her free weekly FHTM [http://www.teambuildingsupport.com] newsletter to get tips, training and strategies to help grow your Fortune business. Her FHTM support website is free to use by all Fortune Reps.
Mike Dillard has been working on a huge project recently called Fuji Lift. If you don't know who Mike Dillard is, you will want to get to know him. You will have a tremendous respect for Mike, especially if you are a true student of the network marketing industry both in the online and offline world. Mike Dillard is a mentor to many network marketers, as well as internet marketers. He is the guru of Attraction Marketing, and created Magnetic Sponsoring, which has helped a lot of network marketers have success in their businesses.