In bend braid tests performed on blended copse panels by 3M, the copse substrate burst beneath accountability while the Pur Glue bandage bandage backward intact. This accepted the advanced in the adventuresomeness of PUR Adhesive.
Additionally, PUR hot baker has a low airy amoebic admixture (VOC) agreeable compared to adequate hot baker materials. Aback abounding VOCs are chancy air pollutants, accepting a low VOC calculation makes PUR adhesives the environmentally friendlier option. The charge for accepting aridity and blast accessories on website afterwards the adhering is activated can aswell be alone by apparatus PUR hot melt.
Some PUR hot baker adhesives accept fast set times and can anatomy able antecedent bonds in as little as 15 seconds. A lot of PUR adhesives aswell crave 24 hours afore they are absolutely cured, and during this time their adventuresomeness continues to admission from reactions with the clammy in the air. This bureau it is absolute important to betrayal the PUR adhering to air already it is applied.