The Ohio Democratic Representative Zack Space

  • New York City borough of Queens Q0234 Lumber Jack Log Splitter points are located at a local high school field in indoor activities. Desk arranged around the activity room, asking voters to accept. The list of candidates posted on the wall, and his party faction. Voters may vote on the table in the middle of the room fill out their own favorite candidate.

    Vote interior coming and going, but seems in order.Soon be over campaign adsThe campaign, most notably to the number that many condemn China before the election campaign ads.

    Democratic Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid in the campaign ad broadcast images of Chinese workers, while condemning the Republican's Sharron Angle is a good friend of foreign workers, because she supported the outsourcing company to China or India to cut taxes.

    The Ohio Democratic Representative Zack Space also shot a similar ad.The Democratic Party made major political power in the U.S. After all, did not the U.S. economy from the financial crisis, pull up in the bottom. High unemployment and a huge trade deficit the United States many people critical of this session of the government, while China has become the Democratic Party calls the "scapegoat."