Times article on practices the network used in

  •   Malkovich to portray KubrickCOLOGNE, Germany, generator bearing June 17 (UPI) -- John Malkovich will star in the comedy "Color Me Kubrick," the true story of a con man, Hollywood Reporter said Tuesday. Pictures and Miramax Films co-production.

    CBS blasts New York TimesNEW YORK, June 17 (UPI) -- CBS News has slammed the New York Times for criticizing its ethical standards, Daily Variety reported Tuesday. Some of those organizations included CBS Entertainment, Simon & Schuster and MTV Networks.

    Gregory Peck lived 'authentically'LOS ANGELES, June 17 (UPI) -- Gregory Peck was remembered as a man who exemplified the best of humanity at a memorial mass."Unlike the New York Times' own ethical problems, there is no question about the accuracy or integrity of CBS News' reporting," the network said in a statement, an apparent reference to the Jayson Blair plagiarism affair.The Times story, appearing in Monday's paper and written by staff corespondent Jim Rutenberg, suggested that CBS told Lynch that other divisions of the Viacom empire would likely offer to do other projects."CBS News does not pay for interviews and it maintains a well-established separation from other parts of Viacom," the CBS statement said.Huston is slated to play TWA president Jack Frye and Baldwin is to star as Juan Tripp, the head of Pan American Airlines. Reilly in the project, which is due to start shooting next month in Montreal.S.. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat" for Universal Pictures/DreamWorks Pictures. Army Private Jessica Lynch.On Monday, CBS released a statement over a potentially damaging Times article on practices the network used in its attempt to land the first exclusive interview with U. Baldwin next stars in "Dr."In a private ceremony earlier in the day, Peck was buried in the crypt mausoleum beneath the cathedral.At the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Cardinal Roger Mahoney said Monday Peck embodied the qualities of authenticity, integrity and constancy."There was no acting in the life of Gregory Peck," Mahoney said.

    Baldwin, Huston sign on for 'Aviator'LOS ANGELES, June 17 (UPI) -- Alec Baldwin and Danny Huston will have roles in the Howard Hughes biography "Aviator," the Hollywood Reporter said Tuesday.Actor Brock Peters, who starred with Peck in "To Kill a Mockingbird," recalled how Peck personally called him and welcomed him aboard "Mockingbird," adding that no other actor since has ever called him like that. "He lived his life authentically, as God called and willed him and placed him in this room, with gifts and talents.Billed as a cinema verite laugher, "Color Me Kubrick" is based on real-life events during the shooting of "Eyes Wide Shut" in London from 1998-99, when a man pretending to be the legendary director got into many of the city's most exclusive parties, restaurants and nightclubs.The script for "Kubrick" will come from the late director's longtime personal assistant, Anthony Frewin.They will join Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, Adam Scott, Kelli Garner, Gwen Stefani and John C.Playing on his willing victims' star-struck desire to believe, he was successful, despite bearing no resemblance to Kubrick. Brian Cook, a Kubrick crew member on "Eyes Wide Shut," will direct the feature."Aviator" is an IEG, Warner Bros