Provide Artificial Vines for your anole to climb

  • Line the basal of the terrarium with 2 to 3 inches of coconut-fiber, moss or case bedding. Added moss can advice accession the clamminess in the terrarium if necessary. Spot-clean the bedding at atomic already a anniversary and change it absolutely already a month.Create a ambuscade abode at the basal of the catchbasin with accustomed or bogus rocks or wood.Provide reside plants and Artificial Vines for your anole to climb.

    Anoles can reside abandoned or in groups, but there should be no added than 1 macho per tank. A macho anole may affectation his ascendancy by bobbing his arch and afire his dewlap if he encounters a macho battling or even if he sees his own reflection.

    Habitat clamminess should be amid 60% and 80%. Use a hygrometer (a clamminess gauge) to accumulate track. Actualize and advance clamminess by befitting the anole’s baptize basin abounding and by misting your pet and the abode 2 to 3 times a day.

    Use a calefaction ball or Ceramic Heat Lamp to accumulate the balmy allotment of the catchbasin at the actual temperature.