Looking for Wholesale Electronic Cigarettes? The Answer is King

  • Have you had enough of run of the mill vape wholesale suppliers that shift their stock unpredictably, carry unpopular brands and products, are priced poorly or know nothing about their customers or about the market in general? If you’ve had enough of fly by night operations that come and go with the tides of sales, it’s high time for you to put your trust and the well being of your vape shop in the hands of a wholesaler that not only sells the devices and accessories that customers are buzzing about, but knows the game, has built on its experience, and puts its customers first. That wholesaler is Kingdom Vapor, and for wholesale electronic cigarettes, there’s no equal.

    On top of its other gleaming accolades, Kingdom Vapor carries what your shop needs to operate and keep your customers coming back. Devices, e liquids, and accessories from major, minor and in house brands to suit every need are in stock at Kingdom Vapor. In devices, Kingdom Vapor has everything from simple e cigs to the most cutting edge technology the market offers. Kingdom Vapor offers starter kits for those interested in diving into vaping such as the Aspire Breeze and AVP Pod System, and the Vapor Storm Puma Baby. Kingdom Vapor also carries advanced kits like the Ijoy Shogun Univ 180 watt kit and the Geekvape Aegis Legend 200 watt kit. Many of these devices offer protections such as overcharging and short circuiting as well as upgradable firmware to extend the usability and life of the device. In regulated mods Kingdom Vapor carries devices from Wismec, Vapor Storm, Limitless, Vo Tech and more that offer the vaper the reigns of the experience, allowing them full suites of controls of power and temperature as well as a variety of tank capacities to extend the time between fills. Kingdom Vapor also offers pod systems such as the Smok Nord Pod System and the Aspire Cobble Pod System, ideal for vapers who like to use nicotine salts, make use of the greater power of some pod systems, and the convenience of the devices.

    Kingdom Vapor also carries popular e liquids that vapers run on. Not only does Kingdom Vapor offer the most popular e liquids on the market, they are no stranger to new additions, broadening the ranks of their supplies constantly. Also at Kingdom Vapor you’ll find accessories like batteries, tanks, coils, atomizers and drip tips for those customers who take the customization of their experience to the next level. Kingdom Vapor has the accessories your customers need to do their builds and customizations - across the board, for wholesale electronic cigarettes and other wholesale vape supplies, Kingdom Vapor reigns supreme.

    The other half of the story is the fact that Kingdom Vapor has cornered the market on customer service. Kingdom Vapor’s customers know that if they have a question on a product, a popular vaping trend or the development of new technology, Kingdom Vapor is the first and ultimate source. That’s why so many vape shop owners have relied on Kingdom Vapor for nearly the past decade. You can too, so check out www.kingdomvapor.com today.

1 comment
  • daniel lee
    daniel lee Never seen a design like this before, thanks for the offer. There are dozens of different vape shops I tried and seems like I already defined with the best provider, this is US online vape shop https://gypsyvapes.com/ with impressing assortment of...  more
    August 31, 2019