Covered Vertical Grain Western Red Cedar Decking

  • Comparing the most common decking material, solid lumber, with WPC decking �C a material without a long-term track record of use �C requires a bit of a leap of faith. On the one hand, the qualities of lumber are well known: ? Naturally durable species such as western red cedar or redwood,interlock waterproof deck boards for instance, are known to last 20-25 years and more in a deck surface application, and even longer if periodically stained. Use of vertical grain lumber often provides even longer life. Deck boards, and especially sapwood zones that may be in them, eventually deteriorate, requiring replacement. ? Both naturally durable and treated wood decking will last for very long time periods, with minimum maintenance, when a deck is covered. ? All woods may check, split, cup, crook, twist, and warp, and weather over time to a grayish color. ? Treated wood exhibits long-term durability in a deck surface application, lasting as long,[url=]composite wall panels products in india[/url] or longer, than naturally durable, untreated woods. Most such decks require periodic staining. The qualities of WPC decking, on the other hand, are largely defined at this point by manufacturer��s claims and those of various NGOs and other organizations. The EPA is quoted by Fox News as reporting that WPC products last indefinitely (Cant 2009). The EPA��s GreenScapes website1 , in fact, appears to wholeheartedly endorse plastic lumber over traditional materials for a wide variety of applications. But is sweeping endorsement justified? Is everything that is being said, in fact, true? A bit of investigation into WPC performance to date suggests that caution may be in order when considering such products. For instance, various sources document a number of problems that have been encountered with plastic composite decks and a recent study offers new information to help evaluate environmental impacts. Before examining problems that have been encountered with WPC products it is worth noting that such products are relatively new, and that ongoing R&D is focused on addressing current problems. Morrell et al.advantage and disadvantage of wpc boards (2010) and Breslin (2010) describe additives and processing modifications that have already helped to reduce performance problems. Shut (2005) also discusses efforts to improve product performance. Continued effort can be expected to improve the performance of these products going forward. The resources come from: