Compare PVC building templates and common architecture template

  • (1) wooden template earliest, due to the consumption of a lot of wood, and the demolition template easy splitting, high attrition rates, turnover times are generally 4-6 times, for our country is not rich in forest resources should seek alternative products.building materials composite wood

    (2) Steel Template: This template is a substitute for wood template, product standardization and formed a series. Its advantage is that it saves a lot of wood, and can be used repeatedly, the utilization rate of up to 40 times the turnover, but it also has a lot to be desired: �� high cost, the average price of 280 yuan / square meter, far higher than the wood plastic template 80 yuan / square meter price; �� bulky, inconvenient lifting construction, demolition difficulties; �� by weight limit, a single block template small in size, the use of large mosaic blocks, time-consuming, laborious; �� steel formwork and concrete there is a certain affinity, easy to post or crossbar products such as cement surface when removing the template stripping injury, affecting the quality; �� easily corroded steel template.alternative wood fencing

    (3) Wood construction projects such as sheet metal products have been vigorously promoted the rapid development of wood-plastic composite material construction using this environmentally friendly and energy-efficient homes in the United States, Germany, Japan and other countries and regions. Its advantage is �� can save a lot of timber; convenience and safety aspects, such as the construction of both the advantages ��; �� wood without the maintenance and recyclable, it can greatly reduce production costs, but also solve many engineering key issues.trek composite decking wholesale

    Research a new generation of wood-plastic templates dominant position in the world, WPC international market prospects are very promising applications in various fields of market share is growing, the market demand in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, South Africa, Europe, South America and North America will be dozens of times as much as the Chinese market, composite products have international development trend, the next few years will become one of the pillar industries of the national economy, has a very broad product applications.