I am not likely to lie I miss some of those nostalgic things of classic World of Warcraft for example people right-clicking you and inviting you into wow classic gold buy a group when they meant to truly inspect your full T2 or T3 gear. I miss how when you did something like the pursuit with your priest to the benediction staff it meant something.
I will never forget Mages needed to make lots of food to the raid also warlocks had the Soul Stone off trash. I remember that you could just have two to three mounts since you'd all of your character resist equipment fire resist gear Frost resist equipment in your 16 slot journey bags taking up space.
I remember grinding to the standing to get into wow private server gold a bunch of emptiness crystals and the raid something like forty archetype crystals. I'll never forget how eventually one of our rogues got another binding from molten heart from gar and finally after Wrath of Lich King she obtained her legendary sword. It was a fantastic memory since raid just for fun and we just chose to return. I remember when Gadget stand Crossroads were the areas.
I remember traveling into arath Highlands only to speak to the guard. I remember the first time I was level 40 I saw that a palladin jump from the Tower bubbling on how down consecrating the floor smashing the hell out of each one the ogres that followed him down all in Dungeon 0.5 gear that was the afternoon I decided to make a paladin I was sick of dying in my Warlock I was sick of dreading the mobs and innumerable mob came back to kill me.