Waited for WoW Classic for many years

  •  So this man had somehow made northdale gold wow to level 55 with a single dagger, automobile attacks, position 1 eviscerate, rank 1 sinister strike, and cannibalize. That's the way you know a game is good, when someone manages to make it that far with a super limited toolbox. We got him sorted out, but man, what dedication. That's the type of game vanilla WoW.

    Vanilla 2 would be the ideal move after a healthy phasing of this raid content on official WoW Classic servers. For whatever reasons (I really could give a few), after AQ starts, the appeal on personal servers appear to diminish, however on official WoW Classic there'll likely be streamers and communities that would likely keep the momentum comparatively significant.

    It is my expectation at this point, most folks will realize the aspects of vanilla and how it can be utilized as a formulation for games that are new and extra content, from many others or Blizzard. The very first approach to expanding Vanilla (BC) was possibly misguided, making erroneous presuppositions as to exactly what had improving upon to'make the game better'.

    A Vanilla 2 must perhaps be a entirely new 1-60 experience using the same mechanics, level development, etc. with some changes to skills, abilities, etc. in a totally new world, filled with fresh stunt puzzles, balanced PvP, and the like - with what's been discovered since vanilla, while keeping the essence of what makes an MMORPG so great that Vanilla totally had.

    They can make it simpler buggier and implement items they wanted to buy lightbringer wow gold but did not cough assembly stones cough its 2018 now. Summoning each other to dungeons isnt gonna make matters less fun. So long as they dont perform hardcore changes[though I hear phasing is coming] we ought to be fine.