Albion online receives the "Percival" update

  • Albion Online received Percival, the seventh major post-release update for MMORPG. This update supplies a balanced random dungeon for just a lonely player, a fresh personalized and vanity system, mount skin, new creatures, shelters and spells, numerous improvements in well being and more.

    Whether you're a single explorer or maybe a group player looking forward to your friends get in touch with, "Card Random Underground City" is the best event. These new balanced dungeons for loneliness players give you a challenging adventure that never repeats. Accept some old and Albion Silver new enemies, open your box, discover new small combat shelters and drop wherever possible, or utilize new solo dungeon map to find advanced dungeons with powerful enemies and valuable loot.

    Improve your style and ride through style

    Highlights with various character customization options, including new hairstyles, beards, and faces. Update your personal style and feel anytime, anywhere, giving your character an exclusive personality. The new saddle leather is created Buy Albion Silver around the world use a better search for all major saddle types. Choose from a large number of free customization options or unlock with Gold wilder style to face out.

    New terrible enemies, powerful new abilities, etc.

    Percival presents a different range of deadly creatures, from ghostly creatures to fiery demons and traps, with several spells and attacks that keep adventurers alert. Send seven new spells for hammers, spears, batons along with weapons to deliver new combat options to get a variety of game styles and combinations.