The Path Of Exile: developers fix bugs

  • The new patch for the Path Of Exile fixes some bugs and brings a nice comfort feature. The fix also caused an unexpected downtime for the server for more than two hours - including half an hour of lost game time. The developer explains exactly how it happened.

    The ability to eventually stack the fossils of Delve mechanics is indefinitely fixed, as many different handcrafted components occupy a large amount of space on the player's chest without stacking. Instead, it shuts down the server and even the progress of the game.

    After the patch is implemented, players can only create new characters, but their own heroes are gone. My friend and I bought Path of Exile Currency on the MMOAH website, and the coupons gave us a lot of help. Resolving this problem by resetting account data has caused many players around the world to lose fossils.

    Master Nicole introduced us to the fourth act of the Path Of Exile in the Azuritmine mechanism, which premiered at the Delve Alliance. There, we collect special fossils in the depths of the infinity, which we can use to make objects. GGG Jonathan then made the decision to lose the fossil or reset the entire patch to the entire game progress. If you cancel the half-hour game time, then the damage to game economics is less than the lost fossil.

    According to the path programmer of the Path Of Exile, there are three errors in total:

    A patch is a database migration that no one knows. If you are looking for a cheap and secure website to Buy POE Currency, the MMOAH website is your best choice. The QA team and server administrators are looking for data loss. The new system should ensure that such migrations cannot be added without the express consent of the producer.

    Even without additional notice, the normal quality assurance process must recognize this issue. Very simple, you should notice it. Checking the quality checklist does not guarantee that even if the old account still exists, the list will be expanded.

    For the third error, after the wrong account migration, he did not spend enough time to pay close attention to the patch changes. Then he may have discovered potential problems with fossils during the rollback process. In the future, developers want to make sure they understand all the possible consequences of a rollback before they finally turn on the green light.