At this moment, you can exchange up things for better things

Event Details

  • The Rocket League Credits containers framework, as plunder box-weighty as it might have been, additionally bolted things behind a cost. You'd pay one key ($1.50 when sold exclusively) for a bet at that case's thing pool.

    Extra things could be exchanged with players. A few things on the low finish of the extraordinariness range, as uncommon decals, had almost immaterial worth and could be pushed in mass.Flexibly and request rules applied somewhat.

    Underground market decals, the most extraordinary things possible in containers, cost much more than their partners. Simpler to get things, as uncommon decals, could be purchased
  • Date
    1:00 AM
  • Where
    Rocket League Credits Map
  • Host
    Rocket League Credits
  • Led by
  • RSVPs
    • 1 attending
    • 0 maybe attending
    • 0 not attending
    • 0 awaiting reply

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