Event Details

  • While RL Prices a great deal of different vehicles in the game had the Titanium White body, the Dominus didn't as of not long ago. Fans didn't generally have a clue why.

    seeing as the Dominus is the second most-utilized vehicle in Rocket League behind the Octane.However, Dominus mains would now be able to cheer, on the off chance that they have the assets.

    The https://www.lolga.com/ Titanium White variant of the muscle vehicle costs 1,100 Credits, which is $10. The fan supposition on this estimating model is blended right now. Some accept the cost is excessively high for a solitary vehicle body, and others feel it's extremely low.Those in the last class feel this
  • Date
    1:00 AM
  • Where
    RL Prices Map
  • Host
    RL Prices
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  • RSVPs
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    • 0 awaiting reply

While RL Prices a great deal of different


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