Take Care of Your Computer

Event Details

  • Buying a new computer is usually a long-term investment. The price of a regular, suitable desktop computer or a laptop usually isn't so high when compared to the prices and hardware available a couple of years ago. I remember my own PC being worth the price of a modern day gaming PC. However, its specifications are considered pretty low in today's standards. It arrived with 1 gigabyte or RAM, a dual-core processor and a weak Nvidia graphics card. My old PC had its tenth birthday a couple of years ago and it's still running.

    A computer can be a sensitive machine and it's not something that can be used carelessly. Don't leave small children around the computer for a long time since they can cause damage like deleting something important or visiting malicious websites. You will certainly regret careless behaviour when you find out that one of the components needs to be replaced an you will be unable to visit paperwritten.com. Clean your computer regularly and keep everything up to date. However, time is a strong factor so don't expect your computer to run 10 years without any freezing or crashing.
  • 2/6/17 at 1:00 AM -
    2/28/17 at 1:00 AM
  • Where
    Texas Map
  • Category
  • RSVPs
    • 1 attending
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    • 0 not attending
    • 0 awaiting reply

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