Maplesea 2 mesos is running its second closed beta test such as, among other things, the Battle Royale mode Mushking Royale. Because they can.If you recall, the MapleStory 2 Founder's Packs were recently delivered since July 17, and Nexon stated that they would only sell a fixed amount in the meantime, 30,000 packages:"All packages feature access to Closed Beta 2 but we're only selling an overall of 20,000 Founder's Packs during Closed Beta 2, so find them while you'll be able to!"Doesn't look like a very small number of, right?
Well, wrong. Apparently, presently of virtual stuff moving away from stock (go figure), the state run update from Nexon says they may be sold out of Founder's Packs, so you will have to hold back until a later date to master when they is going to be available again.So much for your poo, eh?