The first mobile homes were true to their name and towed

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  • Despite their manufacturing process, Sentry Box are essentially the same as homes that are built on-site. They are treated the same under the law, and their basic structural features are almost indistinguishable from site-built homes, once assembled. Manufactured homes are relatively small, inexpensive, mobile residences that require a smaller commitment than is required by modular and site-built homes. It is important to understand the differences between these home types in order to reduce the influence of stigmas, misrepresentation and ignorance.

    More than a dozen Clayton customers described a consistent array of deceptive practices that locked them into ruinous deals: loan terms that changed abruptly after they paid deposits or prepared land for their new homes; surprise fees tacked on to loans; and pressure to take on excessive payments based on false promises that they could later refinance.

    Former dealers said the company encouraged them to steer buyers to finance with Clayton’s own high-interest lenders.

    The homes at Oak Haven are typical in that they are rarely moved but the first mobile homes were true to their name and towed.

    Modular homes are manufactured off-site and are transported to your building site. They are carefully designed to deal with interstate highway overpasses and turning curves. If the road from the highway to your home has a very low overpass there will be a problem. Also if you have a very sharp turn like a hairpin turn it may require the modular home manufacturer to build using shorter modules. There are generally fixes that can deal with local road issues but you should speak with a local modular home builder to discuss this. It is not fun to have any surprises pop up on the delivery day.

    Under federal guidelines, most Clayton mobile-home loans are considered “higher-priced.” Those loans averaged 7 percentage points higher than the typical home loan in 2013, according to a Times/CPI analysis of federal data, compared to just 3.8 percentage points for other lenders.

    "And public transportation is better in Europe so there's a comparative advantage to the poor living in a central urban area whereas in the US manufacturing is located up and down major highways so it's much easier for people with these Mobile Toilet to not want to be in central city areas."

  • 2/2/16 at 1:00 AM -
    2/7/16 at 1:00 AM
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