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Is trading digital currencies halal or haram?

    • 21 posts
    June 28, 2024 5:11 AM HKT

    Is trading digital currencies halal or haram?

    Digital currencies have been subject to many controversial discussions about whether they are compatible with Islamic law or not. Before entering into their world, it is necessary to know the extent of their legality, as there is no official fatwa, but there has been consensus on caution regarding the following:
    طريقة تداول
     In the case of mining, it is necessary to ensure that materials obtained legally are used, including computers and processors, in addition to a sound electrical source.
     Jurists differed on this matter, as some held that it is forbidden to create money without a real value, as it is a form of usury, but if the currencies are in exchange for a real value, then it is acceptable.
     Avoid suspicious sources.
     Ensure the type of trade in which digital currencies can be used and completely avoid trade in prohibited drugs, alcohol, and human trafficking.
     Do not profit by speculating on margins due to the high volatility of the currency, which may make the process resemble gambling.
     Avoid monopoly and market manipulation.
     Do not rely on future payments because the price can change at any time.
     Cryptocurrency operations are criminalized in some countries, so if you are there, you should avoid the matter so as not to face penalties from the law.