November 13, 2023 6:54 PM HKT
I know all this sounds too good to be true, so let’s dive in and see all about GPTs in more detailCustom instructions is a ChatGPT feature that was introduced back in July with the purpose of generating better responses based on information about us and how we’d like ChatGPT to respondCustom instructions helped us control ChatGPT to some degree, but it wasn’t enough to produce our own ChatGPT and it wasn’t possible to save multiple custom instructions eitherGPTs are a combination of instructions, extra knowledge, and any combination of skills (web browsing, DALL-E 3, code interpreter)Besides the instructions section we’re familiar with, there’s a knowledge section where we can upload files to customize our GPT even further and the capabilities section where we can enable features for our GPT such as web browsing, DALL-E 3, and the code interpreterOnce you create your GPT you can share it with the world in the GPT Store that will roll out later in November and make money from it based on how many people are using your GPT (at least that’s what OpenAI says)My co-panelist at a business and innovation conference in Singapore four years ago said this, and I still remember my responseI am back in Singapore this week, gazing out my hotel window overlooking the picturesque Marina BayAs I enjoy the scenic view, I can’t help but wonder if the person who confidently predicted the demise of Netflix will also be attending tomorrow’s conference His name escapes me, although I am sure I would recognize him if I saw him againI want to ask him what happened to all his superheroes after they left NetflixThe reason why the panelist was so sure about the end of Netflix was the announcement that Netflix and Marvel’s superheroes would be parting ways because Disney, the parent company of Marvel, prepared to launch its own streaming service, Disney+ We grow tired of superheroes, not just on TV and in the movies but in our everyday livesWe used to adore our heroes, as they physically embodied our values, dreams, and aspirations They were our role models, influencing us to strive for greatness by emulating their example Whether they were fictional characters, athletes, actors, musicians, or successful colleagues, we all had someone who inspired us to be the best — or at least a better — version of ourselvesAlthough not everyone could achieve their level of success, our heroes continued to push us to reach our full potentialThe Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is just beginning to become part of the ICT lexicon as the possibilities for the former adding value to the latter are only limited by the imagination Many industry verticals will be transformed through AI integration with enterprise, industrial, and consumer product and service ecosystems It is destined to become an integral component of business operations including supply chains, sales and marketing processes, product and service delivery, and support modelsThe Artificial Intelligence of Things represents the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies within Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure (platforms, servers, devices, chipsets, software, etc) to improve IoT operations, improve human-machine interactions, and enhance data management, analytics and decision-making capabilities One such AI technology, machine learning, provides IoT networks/systems with the ability to learn from data, transforming IoT enabled assets into “learning machines” AI also transforms IoT data into useful information, facilitating improved decision making Accordingly, AI is a foundation technology for moving towards IoT Data as a Service (IoTDaaS)Currently, many Artificial Intelligence of Things use cases are very retail product oriented, many of which focus on cognitive computing in consumer appliances For example, Sharp refers to AIoT as “People-Oriented IoT = AIoT” for “more responsive technology” as part of what they refer to as the “Smart Life” They provide examples of smart homes in which learns how its occupants like to live through interaction with smart appliance and housing equipmentOther companies such as SAS provide a view beyond consumer products into the many possibilities for AIoT enabled enterprise and industrial data, which they reference in their tagline “From collecting data to collective learning” Their Chief Technology Officer, Oliver Schabenberger, elaborates how AI can harness IoT data, such as at the edge of networks, to automate tasks in a connected worldThe Artificial Intelligence of Things is transformational for both technologies as AI adds value to IoT through machine learning and decision making and IoT adds value to AI through connectivity and data exchange The AIoT market constitutes solutions, applications, and services involving AI in IoT Systems and IoT support of AI SolutionsIn a nutshell, AI improves IoT operations and transforms IoT system originated data into actionable insights Accordingly, AIoT will be instrumental in solving many existing problems, such as human asset management The greatest asset and biggest operating expense for most organizations is personnel Enterprise is continuously strongly with the need to hire and retain the best and brightest workersArtificial Intelligence of Things solutions such as integration with social media and employment-related resources like Glass Door may be leveraged in an AI Decision as a Service function for Human Asset Management professionals This represents an innovative way of using AI for an industry that desperately needs help making the right hiring, performance management, and retention decisionsAs IoT networks proliferate throughout every major industry vertical, there will an increasingly large amount of unstructured machine data The growing amount of human-oriented and machine generated data will drive substantial opportunities for AI support of unstructured data analytics solutions Data generated from IoT supported systems will become extremely valuable, both for internal corporate needs as well as for many customer-facing functions such as product lifecycle managementAI is increasingly embedded into infrastructure (programs, chipsets, edge computing, etc) with many of the components similarly interconnected with IoT networks/systems The key is for the two technology sets (AI and IoT) to work together in a mutually beneficial, reciprocal value-added manner:.
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