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Improve areas that nobody dares visit it is the little things

  • Leader
    August 22, 2020

    Does not mean everyone is bitching because they could. Only a fuck chucks people all together for expressing a point that is constructive, in osrs gold paypal precisely the exact same vessel. Complaining is fine, provided that you're giving feedback/solutions that are real on the way you think things will get better. Look at the recent'Monday Feedback' thread. The top comments are useless and poisonous - I see this as folks'bitching'. Instead of saying'The updates were a great deal of nothing', you should try asking genuine questions like'I did not find any updates, can you give us any news on that'. All things considered, that thread was made for you to voice your comments to create RuneScape BETTER. Even in the event that you don't get your response you're doing your part. Should you truly care about RuneScape, that's what you ought to do.

    If you had the capacity change 3 items in runescape, what could you do?

    Basically the name, I'm curious what folks want to find change for the better. Can also be cool to see if you can think of 1-3 things you love about RuneScape and wish to keep exactly the same no matter what. This is mostly a prioritisation wishlist rather than a change to a in RuneScape game mechanic however, the"change" I want to see is a heightened emphasis on: Clan updates. There is a good deal of small things like an in RuneScape game event log (caps, promotions, combines and leaves ), capability to rename ranks (why is"admin" halfway down) plus an overall compilation of this permission system which directly benefit a very small proportion of the playerbase and therefore aren't considered a priority for resources.

    Big group bosses like the scrapped raids continuation. This material seems to constantly poll quite low on polls and is therefore unlikely to be worked on which I think is a huge shame as group bosses are my favourite thing to do in RuneScape game, and also the more larger group options the better to get a clan. Quests. Self explanatory. In terms of things I would like to stay the same, honestly the combat system. Switches included. I really like the way the whlole switchscape mechanic rewards you for becoming improved, as you manage to bring more food you have more room for more high harm"abilities" like bringing a sgb swap etc. To me they are just skills, switching is helpless if you are clicking them but I very much enjoy what others criticise as"playing the piano" while still bossing.

    Insert more quests, finish all the previous storylines that were never completed/finished, implement lore with every update there is tons of missing bits of lore that currently end at a dead end (Things like Olaf's Quest parchment. New updates must have connected with them.

    Improve areas that nobody dares visit it is the buy OSRS gold little things, why don't you add seats that everyone can sit in every town? Why don't you improve the region with some content that's only present there and local flora? Why not improve guilds that nobody uses such as cooking and the ranged guild guild, with tasks advantages and reward system? MTX has also implemented Skilling outfits and items which are into skilling, a electricity creep.