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Keys to approach the host retro Dofus

  • Leader
    November 16, 2019

    This really is a non-visible element on Dofusbook, but it's possible to equip a Familiar Pods AND a Dragoturkey! This one will give you an additional stock that Kamas Dofus Retro For Sale may accommodate 3050 Pods of objects, 6100 together with the special capacity"Carrier". We haven't included them about the calculation of complete pods. Thanks to Pets' redesign, Pods' most bonus has risen from 1000 to 2000! A godsend!

    Our sights are about the Harebourg Account Set that is exact older. With two equipments (max for your Trophies), you thus gain 50 of Power, which is to say 250 Pods. The pieces selected to represent it would be the Headdress, among those rare headdress using 100 of Power and the ring, with 50, slightly under a ring Crustique but greater via the bonus of panoply.

    They are two more easily alterable. The latter will probably perform just fine, if you have an older Royal Gobball Belt. However, for the latest Dofus players, the Soft Oak Autumn String offers Pods and Force, to get a score, if not thanks to Smithmagic. Cheap Dofus Kamas are no slots for these slots.

    Of things with Pod bonuses that are good. We chose the Crustique Ring, the Nocturlabe Amulet along with the Chaloeil Bow for their very Superior Force bonuses. Be careful though not to burst your budget's ceiling! The cumulation selected here is the most best. This is a fairly easy manipulation on low-level objects. You can aim more.