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The creator of the controversial Reddit article detailing

  • June 30, 2020

    The creator of the controversial Reddit article detailing how to OSRS gold kill Venezuelan RuneScape players at RuneScape, who wants to be known just as Sam, tells Polygon his article was misinterpreted by viewers, and was just supposed to be a"dark joke" comparing Venezuelan RuneScape players to bots. He says he had been surprised at the thread escalated to racist comments. Asked if he felt guilty seeing the responses to the thread, along with the impact which encouraging RuneScape players to aim RuneScape players from Venezuela might have on this group, he says:"I mean, if there was a situation where someone lost four hours of farming, then I'd surely feel guilty. Let me be clear: I do believe [this ] if anyone or me was having an impact on peoples' lives doing this, we would feel guilty. I think what disturbs people is the potential of the impacting people, though that is unrealistic."

    Sam notes that many Venezuelans play enjoyment rather than gold and lots of the Venezuelan RuneScape players we've spoken to say the same, they play for enjoyment or gain from RuneScape by playing with it legitimately rather than by adhering to intensive gold farming procedures. However, those RuneScape players are keen to voice their concerns regarding the animosity they often face, and say that while they're aware gold farming is contrary to RuneScape's terms and conditions, they playing this way because they don't have any other choice. "On Reddit, and in other forumsthey say so many things [...] about Venezuelans playing RuneScape that I've simply stopped paying attention to them," Alejandro says. "Many individuals don't understand why we farm gold at RuneScape; they believe we do it as a hobby and do not envision the real reason behind why we do it."

    "I really appreciate that, and such people usually know the reasons why Venezuelans promote gold at RuneScape.''``I've seen a real mix [of comments]," says Perez. "Some dreadful shit from those who are racist or'trolling' but in the other end folks who seem really keen to support you. The good has outweighed the bad. Last month another sort stranger donated 1k to my [bitcoin] account since he wanted to purchase food for my community" This stranger has since been in touch to make this a recurring contribution. Acts of kindness toward Venezuelan RuneScape players are not rare. One RuneScape participant from the Netherlands detected an influx of users, and reached out to help.

    "I basically try to assist [Venezulan RuneScape players] because they deserve better in their actual life," he says. "I provide them help and do giveaways because I have enough cash. It helps them so muchbetter. They barely speak English, so it is difficult for them to RS07 Gold understand by themselves also." He doesn't feel that the growth in RuneScape players is having a negative impact on RuneScape, but it's really helping the market. He tells us he's met a range of RuneScape players running the gamut from people who play RuneScape to help feed their entire families when they need extra cash, to people who mainly play for enjoyment but will turn into gold farming.