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It will take them 5 months to get put an upgrade

  • October 22, 2020

    It will take them 5 months to get put an upgrade that provides player history to Mut 21 coins their stats screen. Let us just say for a moment the real devs in EA aren't poor, but the higher ups and executives are. How small resources must they have, or how ungodly broken is the code that it takes this longterm? It makes you think. That is what disturbs me. If it takes them FIVE months to bring the smallest of features, absolutely no chance Madden 22 is gonna have anything big of an upgrade to franchise either. It's gont require them 5 years to have an authentic big change to franchise. Eh, they built Yard in annually. Plus they also have fleshed out Face of the Franchise or whatever the shit is known as over like 3 decades. I think they can at re-build franchise and then add on in huge doses during the next 3 decades.

    I think the base of Madden is basically broken. They've had to begin from scratch the last 2 console generation lumps (PS2/XB->PS3/360->PS4/X1) since the hardware architecture changed dramatically each time and they simply have not managed to catch up because the annual release cycle means that they obviously don't have the time to work out the inherent issues. Also I'm not holding out any hope for another gen. PS5/Series X are literally just stronger versions of the PS4 Pro and 1X, they have got the same CPU architecture so that it'll be the exact same busted game but with maybe some better visuals. I seem to recall reading an article or two on how the Frostbite engine has caused a few huge problems for both FIFA and Madden (I believe FIFA is using it too?) , particularly when it comes to physics. Long story short, my understanding is Frostbite is very good for FPS (which is exactly what it was designed for) but has been just terrible for athletics or really anything apart from FPS.

    But EA, in their infinite wisdom, wanted all their studios using the same engine. On the 1 hand, I get it, it does help streamline development and can save costs in the long term. I wonder if the issue is truly the engine, or the legacy code that has been ported across multiple motors. A sports game constructed on Frostbite from the beginning would have to be greater. Here's a post that talks about general issues with Frostbite from assorted EA studios that are not doing FPS, appears like a lot (obviously) got lost in translation from Ignite engine to Frostbite to your sport games utilizing it; and while visuals improved, physics got much worse.

    Players: What about a production suite for expansion teams or like a news round up as you see in NCAA dynasty? Truly and utterly pathetic. Months and months to get something put in and we get 3 measly little things that should have been in the game. All these motherfuckers need to lose the exclusivity license and there has to buy mut coins madden 21 be competition. I wouldn't take the entire ability to make NFL games away as that would create a second monopoly for 2K. They both need to fight to make good fucking games. Madden 21 is beyond saving. Theres no way that they can salvage this game as any essential franchise overhauls aren't likely to be addable at the middle of the cycle.