Totems are a new kind of item you'll discover across Anachronia » Discussions

My islands name is lazy town haha it has been so long

  • November 4, 2020

    My islands name is lazy town haha it has been so long since Animal Crossing Items I have seen any reference to the television series. Good vid!That's it. AC recreations as a concept has peaked. Ain't gonna secure greater than this.This is completely amazing!!! I had no clue what I had been observing (50 yo with no kids here) but I watched until the end because I had been impressed.I appeared idle town shit cuz of the and dude those songs are total bangers.

    Love everything about it. Always loved this meme and the way that it was begun to draw focus to some Fantastic cause (cancer research)

    Everyone's talking about the pumpkins, but I'm so eager for the new customization choices! That is a really cute addition, and I'm really into the clothing they showed too. Time for spooky!I doubt they would take clothes away that you bought, but they could make them seasonal things that only appear at the Ables' store one month each year.

    I hope we get more hair choices in general. An individual can simply sort through all of the hairs so often before copying hairstyles.The new skin colours reminded me of The Sims supernatural DLCs.

    My user on animal crossing can also be goblin woman so I'm pretty psyched to stone green skin!!! Those eye and skin colors better NOT be seasonal. Additionally, this is the sole Halloween I will EVER be home on Halloween night.The capability to Animal Crossing Bells For Sale use NookLink to do reactions will probably be so helpful for creating Animal Crossing videos!Why is this the first time I'm hearing about NookLink??