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How can the bonuses affect osas?

  • November 30, 2019

    Anyhow, shields are intended to be specialty resources. There are guards which operate such as the tavern shield, for omni classes, but they're overall less strong. . .which is fine. Omni builds trade power for flexibility. Nothing prevents you from Dofus Kamas swapping defenses based on the struggle, though, and you're able to make use of them. It would take to kill anyone, if protects increased resistances and such. Can you imagine? 10% shield, 40% res ouginak with 35% final damage reduction and the lifesteal you make it from victim resistances?

    Builds do not trade"energy" for flexibility, you exchange kamas for both Power and Versatility lol.And do you think this would just make it easier to kill them? Or can it make it much easier for you to be killed by them? Ouginaks are rather new so they'd be reworked sometime soon, I've only fought against some Ouginaks in group pvp and I won many of them (maybe it was when they were fairly new and do not have the grip of playing the course yet) but that is the class' problem.

    A few of the shields damage/malus are conflicting like they were made with few classes in mind, it's. Again weapons have been nerfed to 1 fold a turn so I do not think people would want to use shields that boost your weapon damage in trade of losing damage on about 15+ of your spells, UNLESS they are gonna release another end game content where the boss puts a debuff on your group that should you dealt hurt through spells your entire team dies, only buffs/heals are permitted... that I have a feeling they would do...

    - How can the bonuses affect osas? Isn't there? I've had difficulty planning a game str set for a sadi that contains /range/etc. While. Yet hurt traders get another absolutely free cloudy through shields? Imo if you believe that it takes"forever" to kill someone I believe you're only referring to some classes with a great deal of utility and survivability at Buy Dofus Kamas echo their conclusion, as you have said Ouginaks and their tons of death defying discounts, Osas/Enis/Sadis with their heals, Masqs and Fecas using their shields, Sacriers (these really are immortal af). . Etc. but some characters don't have those so it is not quite as hard to kill them since the characters that are mentioned.