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Basically a simplified variant of this methodology

  • June 16, 2020

    Basically a simplified variant of this methodology that RuneScape gold the approach would take is you're able to construct a distribution of the number of market offers that get full of a particular thing in a given time period. If all the sudden way more sell offers are becoming filled for seemingly no reason, you understand that thing is a sink thing. If you don't fill the sell offers you're having no effect. As yet another user suggested possibly the best way to fight this issue is simply get the items all at once (after the fact) but I think that may raise other prospective problems such as developing a bizarre risky marketplace based around abrupt price spikes, where folks invest in crashed items only for a chance their item will get picked. The thing crashes 9, then if it doesn't. I guess, if that an issue people care about or if its worse compared to the current scenario is just another debate.

    If they wanted to utilize runelite/osbuddy data they'd be idiot. It works when normal items are rising/falling, and you can normally see. But, there's been a fuck ton of scammers and price manipulators for OSbuddy and runelite proposed cost trackers on reduced trade volume items and even retailers efforts to manipulate popular items. It's been a massive problem a random times, so certain, if you would like to move all in on a product which quite likely could just be a random scammer jumping/dropping the osbuddy/runelite cost then proceed, because those clients track any completed offers, it might literally be the same individual at buy limit for an item selling them to themselves 100 times over and over and it messes up osbuddy and runelite records although not the Jagex ones.

    Also the idea that there would be a difficulty from a speculative market for a product buyout at the conclusion, which I proposed in the first sentence of my comment once I said you are assuming they buy them as the gp comes from which does not have to be true, doesn't make any sense. There is literally thousands of things. It's not like we have a list of 10-15 possible items to be seeing, there's easily over 100 to be seeing and using a program doesn't help when when it could be a manual option by jagex to pick something in the end of the afternoon, you don't have to have it automated, that is just asking for issues to happen. They could easily have stuff in place to flag some items.

    Another easy solution is to have buyouts that are random through the day from a list of things rather than have a single thing being purchased out. Say each 100m dropped, they will buyout a product and then another 100m goes towards a different thing or if 100m is not attained, force it at a certain time period to use whatever it's. All your assumptions are that jagex must use the most simple method of implementing this idea or will. There is literally an unlimited method to complicate it with little tiny tweaks which make it almost impossible to cheap RS gold forecast or abuse, especially if any step has any form of individual participation it yells computer learning the door nearly entirely.