Education of Bachelor in Australia » Discussions

Education of Bachelor in Australia

  • November 13, 2019


    The initial educational qualification level in Australia like in the international higher education system is a bachelor's degree.

    The duration of study at the bachelor program is 3-4 years and depends on the specific university and specialty.

    A bachelor's degree is perhaps the first stage in a student's educational life where the choice of a future specialty is made. Bachelor's programs welcome graduates of schools who have acquired basic knowledge of various sciences but do not yet have highly specialized and professional knowledge. That is why a bachelor's degree is a great opportunity to try one of the student's chosen specialties and gradually acquire a profile knowledge over the course of several years.

    Specifics of Bachelor’s program.

    The key difference between overseas undergraduate programs is the lack of a large list of general disciplines. In the first year of study, students study only a few general subjects that are relevant to their chosen specialty. At the same time, at the bachelor's degree, they have been studying professional subjects since the first year of study. The curriculum of each subsequent undergraduate course includes more and more specialized disciplines, providing students with the opportunity to gain profound specialized knowledge.

    Bachelor programs are designed for school graduates who do not yet have professional experience and narrow-profile knowledge. Therefore, the main goal that universities define in developing curricula is to introduce the student to their chosen field comprehensively. That is why a large number of study tours include a considerable number of study visits, practical classes, competition projects, and internships.

    Another difference between overseas bachelor’s programs is the number of subjects offered by universities for study. The number of subjects will be small and, importantly, each subject will be thoroughly studied and include a wide range of topics to learn. Often the student has to prepare their writing paper, but it easier to use any australia writing.

    Universities that offer bachelor’s programs typically have two ways of organizing the learning process:

    Modular system. Each subject takes about 6 weeks of intensive study. During this time, they take classes only in this discipline, students perform group and individual work and pass the final exams. At the end of 6 weeks, there is a transition to study the next subject.

    Advantages of the modular system are that students focus on studying only a certain subject and work "with fresh knowledge".

    The next is the semester system. A specific list of subjects, usually 4 to 6, is determined, which the student learns in one semester lasting approximately 4 months. Classes for each subject are held once a week (throughout the day) or several times a week.

    Advantages of the semester system are the next: students are able to draw parallels between the several disciplines they study and have a whole semester to master the subject.

    There are many prospects for the bachelor’s program. The graduates of the bachelor's degree acquire not only general but first and foremost profound profile knowledge. This enables young professionals to work in their chosen field immediately upon completion of the bachelor's program. This path is very common. Quite often you can meet professionals in business, IT, etc. who have only a Bachelor's degree. Many foreign companies create special programs for talented bachelor graduates whose primary purpose is to educate future employees of their organization from undergraduate graduates. Such programs, as a rule, are designed for 1-2 years, after their completion, an assessment of the abilities and skills of the young specialist is made and a decision is made regarding his or her enrollment in the company's headquarters.

    An alternative to starting a professional activity to complete a bachelor's program is to pursue a master's degree. Typically, master’s programs, immediately after completing a bachelor's degree abroad, are taken by students who have pursued an academic career or are seeking to deepen their knowledge in a particular field or change their specialization.