ebook templateOur Website: https://ebooktemplate.deals/
When you think of business eBooks a certain type of cover comes to mind, same goes for when you think of romance novels or mystery books, they all follow a certain design layout that help us recognize what kind... moreOur Website: https://ebooktemplate.deals/
When you think of business eBooks a certain type of cover comes to mind, same goes for when you think of romance novels or mystery books, they all follow a certain design layout that help us recognize what kind of book we’re dealing with. This is a good thing to keep in mind when buying an Ebook Cover Template. Would the template be easy to translate into a design that fits your eBook? This is important because you want a design that will tell people what your book is about and get their interest from the first look. So if your book is a romance novel, for example, maybe google romance novels eBook covers and you will get inspired and know which direction to take.
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When you think of business eBooks a certain type of cover comes to mind, same goes for when you think of romance novels or mystery books, they all follow a certain design layout that help us recognize what kind... more