Our Website http://www.mudislandamphitheater.com/ The Mud Island Amphitheater, located on Mud Island near the famous River Walk, is situated on the outskirts of Memphis, Tennessee. When planning your event, you will enjoy plenty of options when deciding where to stay. Stay at the Hampton Inn & Suites on Beale Street, or the Doubletree on Union Avenue, where just blocks from your room you can tour Sun Studios and the Memphis Rock ‘n’ Soul Museum, retrace Elvis’ roots, and soak in the history of one of the most important cities for music. All of these things and more are accessible whenever you get the itch to explore. More Links : https://www.instagram.com/islandamphitheater/ https://www.pinterest.com/mudislandamphitheater/ http://www.alternion.com/users/islandamphitheater/