Black Health Wealth's Album: alkaline food chart

Following the Alkaline Food Chart and including over 80% of your daily food intake from it might give you a new lease of life. If you suffer from chronic headaches, depressions, colds or fatigue often then the cure might lie in eating foods on this food chart. Foods that are alkaline in nature help keep the ph levels of the body to an optimal of 7.4. This ph balance in turn keeps the body functions running smoothly and fights diseases. This food chart can literally save your life. Check this link right here for more information on Alkaline Food Chart. Follow us:

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alkaline food list
Eating foods from the acidic and Alkaline Food List in the Alkaline Diet will restore proper pH. To restore the body to good health, the starting point is always a balanced diet. However, most do not consider that a balanced diet must be a pH balanced diet that keeps the alkalinity in the blood optimal. The acidic and alkaline food list used in the acid-alkaline diet emphasizes eating foods an array of nuts, legumes, citrus fruits, fresh vegetables and tubers. Conversely, the diet encourages participants to avoid meat, large amounts of salt, grains and dairy products. Click this site for more information on Alkaline Food List.
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