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have to wait that long for MUT 18 Coins

  • March 15, 2017

    So when can we expect the first game from Size Five to NBA Live Coins drop? Not too soon, it would seem. "It's some way off, yet," Marshall told us. "I'd like to say it'll be ready by the end of next year, but we all know that games take twice as long as your wildest expectations." "Fortunately I've got both the time and funds to make something special, here, so I've got the luxury of making sure it's a great game that does really well. I'm taking a Fez approach to development - it'll be out when it's


    ." Yet it sounds like we don't have to wait that long for MUT 18 Coins a new game from Marshall, as he may well have something up his sleeve before then. "As the release is some way off, I am tentatively looking at releasing something else in the interim - something tiny to give me a break from The Swindle which is pretty full-on. We'll see what happens there." As for the studio name change and the risk involved, Marshall is pleased with the results he has seen so far - in fact, he saw sales of his past


    increase thanks to the press and discussion he received. "The Swindle announcement went down really well, I think all the main sites covered it," he mused. "I made a point of starting the press release by mentioning Zombie Cow, Privates and Time Gentlemen, Please!, so within moments people know who I am and that'd give me the extra chance of the story being picked up." He continued, "Changing the name was a gamble, but I really think it paid off. Sales went up with all the press


    discussion that followed the name change, and I can't even begin to  mmogo describe how much happier I am in my job as a result. So it was a foolish gamble, but one I've been very happy with so far."Sega has confirmed that 1993 Sega CD platformer Sonic CD will be released for download on a variety of console, PC and mobile phone platforms later this year.The title will be available for download on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network as well as iOS, Android and Windows Phone