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Before the preceding bxp weekend was announced

  • Leader
    February 24, 2021

    Before the preceding bxp weekend was announced Nox Bow was sort of stable, worth a good 320M. Following the announcement it started crashing a lot and ended up dropping as low as 220M (when I recall it right). It then went up back to RS gold 300-320Mish. Could be something similar what is happening here, it is very possible it is going to return again. It is not guaranteed however, these things are bound to keep on crashing thanks to more getting added into the game everyday.

    The grave system makes it pretty hard to shed items nowadays, and also the new system being implemented will ensure it is impossible, therefore it's fair to assume it will continue crashing. That's life to get a RuneScape participant, you either buy the excellent items when they're worth heaps and love them asap (and wind up losing money in the future ) or wait eons for them to crash and buy them really cheap when they are no longer a novelty. Do you understand how much they're worth now? Wand isn't even 20M. I suppose it helps having greater wands available now, but even before Seismic was released Virtus was already slowly but steadily climbing.

    So I struck 99 slayer now... and to be absolutely honest with myself, I truly don't care much for skilling. My non-combat skills could stay the way they are for all I care. So I'm going to attempt to reach 120 slayer. Anyone have any guidance on which tasks I should obstruct, what presets I need to put in my own bank, and whatever I should buy as soon as possible?

    I also possess a Charming Imp, Spirit Dragontooth Necklace, Bonecrusher, Gem Bag (normal version) and also a Spring Cleaner. I generally use a Steel Titan on tasks, or even a Yak. Any info on upgrades? Tasks I believe I'm doing wrong: Dagannoths- Should I be doing DKS rather than visiting the lighthouse? Is the Rush of Blood worth ? Morvran's particular slayer task? VIP tickets? Thanks in advance.

    Since I've been asked to burden in, I'll give you some advice. Subj robes/virtus, chaotic staff or virtus wand/book. Bandos/torva and drygores or double chaotic rapiers. 1k+ holy overloads. Having t80 helps alot over t70, and t90 melee is an cheap OSRS gold excellent investment.