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Oh and the gameplay. Getting stuck on rookie is so boring

  • September 24, 2020

    My friend bought it at release for $60.00, and he match shares with Mut 21 coins me on PS. I was dissapointed when I made it free. Convinced myself to purchase it in my Xbox for $20.00 following an elongated break, and repent it on 3 days after. Won't be buying 21, as I get angry enough at 20 for it's bullshit. It is simply not going to change man, they are strictly regarding the revenue and they do not care how blatantly it looks. If they are able to come out and say"hey we just need your money" without any impacts they would do exactly that.

    Face of the franchise is far better than their previous story modes, but not by much. I truly hated your choices didn't matter. I enjoy how going to college came with a title change into College Player, fairly cool.

    Oh and the gameplay. Getting stuck on rookie is so boring. I had to sim games after the first quarter, just playing on offense, because the game will never finish. And I don't know whether it's a glitch, however, one match compelled me to perform the whole game. I just tried to run across the field to kill clock. I didn't even touch the controller on defense. It only auto played. Game finished 100-0. It played itself. Rookie style is brain dead manner. Oh and also the heavily promoted combine? It is only the 40 and a pitching drill. (For QB and WR, not sure about running back). And the 40 is just 3 quick time switches, which do not affect anything as long as you strike them.

    The only positive is that it seems like the story is really continuing on once you leave college. You've got press conferences and locker room moments, which ok I guess. Franchise is trash like the last 3 decades, and the yard becomes boring after one game. Oh and the bugs. Invisible players, frame rate, server crashes, frequent crashes, players bugging out. Pretty good stuff. If you've got the itch to play Madden 21 for some reason ( I know I did) just pay the $5 and find the 10 hour trial and do not buy the entire $60 game. You will regret it. Perhaps next gen is better, IDK, but that ain't it. Edit: I concur with you on the improved game intros, they're pretty good. I have tired of the parties though after such as buy Madden nfl 21 coins the second match.