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Have you got any idea how expensive that place is?

  • December 4, 2019

    Have you got any idea how expensive that place is? Dofus alone would cost you over 200MK. Exos are over Easy. Without cras fans the wand is garbage. Fighting any class with U/B will destroy tormenting and the batter. A sadida such as would take all fans away in 1 spell.Get a few crit resist and quit yelling about a weapon that is not op. Same with torm. A number of us actually work hard to get this set for it to Dofus Kamas ilyzaelle be nerfed.

    Yes but everyone can do them today, so what is the purpose of getting a border. The boss mat prices plummet, dungeon mob tools even more and even prior to the upgrade there was sufficient competition to barely sell anything if you are not constantly undercutting. There's literally no win for someone who's experienced this edge you're talking about.Also all distinctive ornaments are now completely garbage because anyone with half a brain could get them.Everyone [should] be in a position to do them... with some effort. I have not actually tried the new dungeons today, so I do not understand how easy they are. I would have been pleased if they remained hard but were possible with any reasonable team, instead of needing particular classes. If I could do all the dungeons with MY team, then I am happy. I don't care if I need to die many times and set in a great deal of effort, I just need it to be potential period.

    I disagree with what you are saying and here is why.Making content for everybody would suggest that even the worst Dofus participant with the worst group should have the ability to do it. Never ever was Dofus a match with content available to everyone, there has always been end-game content available to only the few who were able to become great enough to pass the material. This is the way the Dofus game was for over a decade, and (imo) that the Dofus game should remain. If you want to have the ability to conquer the harder dungeons you are going to have to practise and get better if you can not beat them . I understand you would like to beat it with your own team, but again, F3 was already possible with almost any team.

    I don't know what team you've got, but viewing your avatar is an Iop, you can likely do them. The majority of the people are just too lazy to spend time in learning a dungeons mechanics and monster countries, and therefore complain it's too hard. A whole lot of folks solo'd those dungeons prior to the update with different classes. Whoever claims a dungeon which could be solo'd wants a nerf because their 4 man team can't handle it should probably rethink whatever they're doing.Dofus is a tactical game and strategy necessitates thinking. A lot of folks do not visit to Cheap Kamas Dofus Retro grasp this.